Saturday, August 8, 2015

Day Three - Shabbat at the Sea (Lake?) of Galilee

Day Three's post was written by Joanne Green and Barry Gross:

Kabbalat Shabbat at Lake Kinneret (aka the Sea of Galilee).

As the sun dropped closer to the horizon, we gathered together and walked down to a pier that jutted out over the lake. We faced SOUTH towards Jerusalem  and recited the prayers for the evening including one which referenced the surrounding mountains and palm trees. 

The lights from Tiberias illuminated the not too distant shore, as our service concluded. Engulfed in the darkness, we walked back to the kibbutz to enjoy the delicious dinner, followed by a much needed good night's sleep.

The next morning Shabbat services were led by Rabbi Gerber which included a lively discussion covering a range of topics, questions, and points of view. A buffet lunch followed which included cholent as well as various salads, meats, vegetables and, of course, desserts. 

The afternoon was then spent napping or relaxing by the lake as we read, swam, and talked. Some brave individuals were brave enough to climb up the rocks and jump down twenty feet into the lake! At five o'clock we reconvened in a gathering room to hear a kibbutznik talk openly about her life growing up on a kibbutz. The realities of living in Israel and raising a family here were made strikingly evident when she told us of her son, a solider in the army, who was killed in the last war. She generously answered our many questions about what it is like to live on a kibbutz. 

We then returned to our rooms to prepare for the evening services. The rabbi then led us back to the pier, and as the third star appeared in the night sky, he led us in a beautiful Havdallah service. 

We traveled by bus to a restaurant in Tiberias where copious amounts of food were brought forth even before the main dishes consisting of lamb, chicken, duck, and ribs. The dinner culminated with dessert, sparklers, and music (including Bruce Springsteen). The good night send off was also accompanied by reciprocated hugs and compliments from our "hostess" who grew up in Philadelphia. The bus ride back to the hotel was welcomed as we gratefully tumbled into bed with thoughts of tomorrow's itinerary urging us onto sleep, since it promises to be a very busy day. Good night from-
Joanne & Barry

Sent from my iPhone


  1. Looks like you ate dinner on Lake Tiberias at the same restaurant as the 2011 trip. What a wonderful meal!!

  2. What a special Shabbat - wish I could have been a "fly on the wall" for your discussion. Bet it was lively. Did you go to Decks for dinner? Keep the posts and pictures coming.

  3. The pull to return is already so powerful, but reading your accounts and looking at the photos makes me so want to be there - what a wonderful group of people you are! And what special memories you are making for all three beautiful girls. Can't wait to read the next post!

  4. That last message was from Frances Sheehan!

  5. So great to share your travels vicariously. Enjoy the rest of your journey!
    Bonnie B

  6. Rich and Karen, it was indeed the same restaurant in Tiberias. Though this time, they took the roof off the whole restaurant!! So we ate in the open air, with a lovely breeze coming off the Sea of Galilee, and an absolutely gorgeous night. It couldn't have been more perfect. And at the end of the evening, the waitresses all came out with flares and they played music in our honor!! It was very unexpected and impressive. I think this tour guide (who set it all up) really knows his stuff...
